Expanding conversations
In working to meet specific, achievable goals that reduce HIV transmission in New York State, education and awareness are critical to keeping those living with HIV undetectable and communities at risk aware of prevention strategies. A Great Idea blends targeted messaging that aligns to national health conversations with recognizable celebrities, data points, and messages that connect to audiences across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Special event support
Throughout the year, Amida Care sponsors and collaborates on numerous special activities that advocate for its membership. In framing the social media conversations, A Great Idea enhances the event materials with supplemental content with a cadence that raises awareness and promotes participation.

Delivering engagement
The numbers matter, and with a 200% increase in Instagram engagement and a 40% increase in Facebook participation, the quality graphic design and social media copywriting have helped amplify Amida Care’s important messages of advocacy and education to its membership and beyond.